Monday, March 26, 2012

Extending Material Master using BAPI

Material Extension is always a requirement in SAP R/3 that take lot of time and effort. There are different way e.g. bapi, lsmw, bdc we can do it. However, LSMW or BDC is a bit tedious job. A better way to address is to use a program with selection screen and using BAPI to do so. This example will give you the selection screen where you can select the Material by Plant, material Type, Material Number and division to extend to new plant.

In my example I am extending all views of the Material from one plant to other plant. One can also use the same code to extend material from one Storage location to another storage location (LGORT).

List of BAPIs required to extend a Material.
a) BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA - Save / Extends Material Data
b) BAPI_MATERIAL_GETALL - BAPI to read data from existing Material from Plant
If Quality View is active, use this bapi to copy Inspection data
d) BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT - Commit the Data save using bapi.

Other Function Modules Used
a) MAP2E_QMAT_TO_BAPI1001004_QMAT – Required when Quality View is Active.
c) WS_DOWNLOAD - Download data from internal table to File
d) WS_UPLOAD - Upload data from file to internal Table

In the sample scenario Profit Center is equal to plant and Valuation Level is Plant.
Step 1. Selection Screen.

TABLES: t001l, "Storage Locations
        mara,  "General Material Data
        makt,  "Material Descriptions
        mbew,  "Material Valuation
        marc,  "Plant Data for Material
        mvke.  "Sales Data

DATA: bapi_head     LIKE bapimathead,
      bapi_makt     LIKE bapi_makt,    "Material Description
      bapi_mara1    LIKE bapi_mara,    "Client Data
      bapi_marax    LIKE bapi_marax,
      bapi_marc1    LIKE bapi_marc,    "Plant View
      bapi_marcx    LIKE bapi_marcx,
      bapi_mbew1    LIKE bapi_mbew,    "Accounting View
      bapi_mbewx    LIKE bapi_mbewx,
      bapi_mvke1    TYPE bapi_mvke,
      bapi_mvkex    TYPE bapi_mvkex,
      bapi_return   LIKE bapiret2,
      bapi_mard     TYPE bapi_mard,
      bapi_mardx    TYPE bapi_mardx,
      bapi_mlan     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi_mlan,
      ls_bapi_mlan  TYPE bapi_mlan.
DATA: lt_bapi_return   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2,
      bapi_qmat     TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi1001004_qmat,
      ls_bapi_qmat  TYPE bapi1001004_qmat.

         INCLUDE STRUCTURE bdcdata.
DATA: END OF bdcdata.

DATA: BEGIN OF int_makt OCCURS 100.
DATA: END OF int_makt.

DATA: ls_qmat TYPE qmat,
       lt_qmat TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF qmat.

DATA: BEGIN OF int_mat OCCURS 100,
werks(4),     "Plant
        mtart(4),     "Material type
matnr(18),    "Material number
        matkl(9) ,    "Material group
        mbrsh(1),     "Industry sector
        meins(3),     "Base unit of measure
        gewei(3),     "Weight Unit
        spart(2),     "Division
        ekgrp(3),     "Purchasing group
        bwkey(4),     "Valuation Area
        bwtar(10),    "Valuation Type
        vprsv(1),     "Price control indicator
        stprs(12),    "Standard price
        peinh(3),     "Price unit
        spras(2),     "Language key
        maktx(40),     "Material description
        vkorg(04),     "Sales Organisation
        vtweg(02),     "Distribution Channel
        mara(01),      "MARA VALUE
        mbew(01),      "MBEW
        makt(01),      "MAKT
        mvke(01),      "SALES
      END OF int_mat.

            plant    FOR  marc-werks OBLIGATORY MEMORY ID plt,
            material FOR  mara-matnr MEMORY ID mat,
            matltype FOR  mara-mtart MEMORY ID mty,
            division FOR  mara-spart MEMORY ID div,
            to_sorg  FOR  mvke-vkorg OBLIGATORY 
“Sales Org/Dist Channel is required for the Sales View.
            to_dchnl FOR  mvke-vtweg OBLIGATORY 
            to_plant FOR  marc-werks OBLIGATORY 
PARAMETERS:  f_file LIKE rlgrap-filename
             getdata AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT 'X', 
"Tick to download materials data to local harddisk
"Tick to update date to Materials Master

IF getdata = 'X'.
  PERFORM download_data.
  PERFORM download_file. “This File provides a log for the list of material data extended

IF upddata = 'X'.
  PERFORM upload_file.
  PERFORM update_mm.

2. Download data from existing Plant

FORM download_data.
  SELECT * FROM marc  WHERE lvorm EQ ' '
                        AND werks IN plant
                        AND matnr IN material.
    CLEAR mara.
    SELECT SINGLE * FROM mara WHERE matnr =  marc-matnr.
    CHECK matltype.
    CHECK division.
    CLEAR mbew.
    SELECT SINGLE * FROM mbew WHERE matnr =  marc-matnr
                                AND bwkey =  marc-werks.

    CLEAR makt.
    SELECT SINGLE * FROM makt WHERE spras =  'EN'
                                AND matnr =  marc-matnr.

    CLEAR mvke.
                    matnr = marc-matnr.
*                    vkorg = to_sorg-low   AND
*                    vtweg = to_dchnl-low.

    IF sy-subrc = 0. "SELECT SINGLE * FROM mvke
      int_mat-mvke = 'X'.
    ENDIF. "sy-subrc = 0. "SELECT SINGLE * FROM mvke

    WRITE:/ marc-werks,    "Plant
            mara-mtart,    "Material type
            mara-matnr,    "Material number
            mara-matkl,    "Material group
            mara-mbrsh,    "Industry sector
            mara-meins,    "Base unit of measure
            mvke-vkorg,    "Sales Organization
            mvke-vtweg,    "Distribution Channel
            mara-gewei,    "Weight Unit
            mara-spart,    "Division
            marc-ekgrp,    "Purchasing group
            mbew-bwkey,    "Valuation Area
            mbew-bwtar,    "Valuation Type
            mbew-vprsv,    "Price control indicator
            mbew-stprs,    "Standard price
            mbew-peinh,    "Price unit
            makt-spras,    "Language key
            makt-maktx.    "Material description

     int_mat-werks = marc-werks.    "Plant
     int_mat-mtart = mara-mtart.    "Material type
     int_mat-matnr = mara-matnr.    "Material number
     int_mat-matkl = mara-matkl.    "Material group
     int_mat-mbrsh = mara-mbrsh.    "Industry sector
     int_mat-meins = mara-meins.    "Base unit of measure
     int_mat-gewei = mara-gewei.    "Weight Unit
     int_mat-spart = mara-spart.    "Division
     int_mat-ekgrp = marc-ekgrp.    "Purchasing group
     int_mat-bwkey = mbew-bwkey.    "Valuation Area
     int_mat-bwtar = mbew-bwtar.    "Valuation Type
     int_mat-vprsv = mbew-vprsv.    "Price control indicator
     int_mat-stprs = mbew-stprs.    "Standard price
     int_mat-peinh = mbew-peinh.    "Price unit
     int_mat-spras = makt-spras.    "Language key
     int_mat-maktx = makt-maktx.    "Material description
     int_mat-vkorg = mvke-vkorg.    "Sales Organization
     int_mat-vtweg = mvke-vtweg.    "Distribution Channel
     APPEND int_mat.
     CLEAR  int_mat.
ENDFORM.                    "DOWNLOAD_DATA

FORM download_file.
      filename                      = f_file
      filetype                      = 'DAT'
      data_tab                      = int_mat
      file_open_error               = 1
      file_write_error              = 2
      invalid_filesize              = 3
      invalid_type                  = 4
      no_batch                      = 5
      unknown_error                 = 6
      invalid_table_width           = 7
      gui_refuse_filetransfer       = 8
      customer_error                = 9
      OTHERS                        = 10.

  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    WRITE:/ 'Data Download Successfully to your local harddisk'.
ENDFORM.                    "DOWNLOAD_FILE

3. Upload and Extend Material

FORM upload_file.
      filename                      = f_file
      filetype                      = 'DAT'
*   FILETYPE                      = 'WK1'
      data_tab                      = int_mat
      file_open_error               = 1
      file_write_error              = 2
      invalid_filesize              = 3
      invalid_type                  = 4
      no_batch                      = 5
      unknown_error                 = 6
      invalid_table_width           = 7
      gui_refuse_filetransfer       = 8
      customer_error                = 9
      OTHERS                        = 10.

  IF sy-subrc = 0.
    WRITE:/ 'Data Upload Successfully from your local harddisk'.

ENDFORM.                    "UPLOAD_FILE

*&      Form  UPDATE_MM
*       text
FORM update_mm.
  ls_clientdata                    TYPE bapi_mara_ga,
  ls_plantdata                    TYPE bapi_marc_ga,
  ls_forecastparameters            TYPE bapi_mpop_ga,
  ls_planningdata                  TYPE bapi_mpgd_ga,
  ls_storagelocationdata          TYPE bapi_mard_ga,
  ls_valuationdata                TYPE bapi_mbew_ga,
  ls_warehousenumberdata          TYPE bapi_mlgn_ga,
  ls_salesdata                    TYPE bapi_mvke_ga,
  ls_storagetypedata              TYPE bapi_mlgt_ga,
  ls_productionresourcetooldata   TYPE bapi_mfhm_ga,
  ls_lifovaluationdata            TYPE bapi_myms_ga.

        lt_bapi_makt_ga           TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi_makt_ga,
        ls_bapi_makt_ga           TYPE bapi_makt_ga,

        ls_bapi_mlan_ga           TYPE bapi_mlan_ga,
        lt_bapi_mlan_ga           TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi_mlan_ga.
lt_job_log                TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2.

  LOOP AT int_mat.
    "************************Get All Data of the material*********************************

        material                    = int_mat-matnr "material
*   COMPANYCODE                     =
   valuationarea                   = int_mat-bwkey
   valuationtype                   = int_mat-bwtar
       plant                        = int_mat-werks
*   STORAGELOCATION                 =
   salesorganisation                = int_mat-vkorg
   distributionchannel              = int_mat-vtweg
*   WAREHOUSENUMBER                  =
*   STORAGETYPE                      =
*   LIFOVALUATIONLEVEL               =
*   MATERIAL_EVG                     =
*   KZRFB_ALL                        =
       clientdata                       = ls_clientdata
       plantdata                        = ls_plantdata
*       forecastparameters               = ls_forecastparameters
*       planningdata                     = ls_planningdata
       storagelocationdata              = ls_storagelocationdata
       valuationdata                    = ls_valuationdata
       warehousenumberdata              = ls_warehousenumberdata
       salesdata                        = ls_salesdata
       storagetypedata                  = ls_storagetypedata
       productionresourcetooldata       = ls_productionresourcetooldata
       lifovaluationdata                = ls_lifovaluationdata
       materialdescription              = lt_bapi_makt_ga
*   UNITSOFMEASURE                   =
*   MATERIALTEXT                     =
       taxclassifications               = lt_bapi_mlan_ga
*   EXTENSIONOUT                     =
*   RETURN                           =
    "************************End Get All Data of Material********************************

* Header
    bapi_head-material        = ls_clientdata-material.
    bapi_head-ind_sector      = ls_clientdata-ind_sector.
    bapi_head-matl_type       = ls_clientdata-matl_type.
*    bapi_head-ekwsl           = ls_clientdata-ekwsl.

    bapi_head-basic_view      = 'X'.
    bapi_head-purchase_view   = 'X'.
    bapi_head-account_view    = 'X'.
    bapi_head-mrp_view        = 'X'.
    bapi_head-work_sched_view = 'X'.
    bapi_head-cost_view       = 'X'.

    IF     int_mat-mvke = 'X'.
      bapi_head-sales_view       = 'X'.
    bapi_head-storage_view    = 'X'.

“For Extending Quality View Data.
    SELECT * INTO TABLE lt_qmat
      FROM qmat
      WHERE matnr = int_mat-matnr AND
            werks EQ plant-low.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      bapi_head-inp_fld_check    = 'W'.
      bapi_head-quality_view    = 'X'.

* Material Description
    READ TABLE lt_bapi_makt_ga INTO ls_bapi_makt_ga INDEX 1.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      REFRESH int_makt.
      int_makt-langu           = ls_bapi_makt_ga-langu.
      int_makt-matl_desc       = ls_bapi_makt_ga-matl_desc.
      APPEND int_makt.
      CLEAR ls_bapi_makt_ga.

* Client Data - Basic
    bapi_mara1-pur_valkey     = ls_clientdata-pur_valkey.
    bapi_mara1-matl_group     = ls_clientdata-matl_group.
    bapi_mara1-base_uom       = ls_clientdata-base_uom.
    bapi_mara1-unit_of_wt     = ls_clientdata-unit_of_wt.
    bapi_mara1-division       = ls_clientdata-division.
    bapi_mara1-dsn_office     = ls_clientdata-dsn_office.
    bapi_mara1-mat_grp_sm     = ls_clientdata-mat_grp_sm.
    bapi_mara1-trans_grp      = ls_clientdata-trans_grp.
    bapi_mara1-std_descr      = ls_clientdata-std_descr.

    bapi_marax-std_descr  = 'X'.
    bapi_marax-pur_valkey = 'X'.
    bapi_marax-dsn_office = 'X'.
    bapi_marax-mat_grp_sm = 'X'.
    bapi_marax-trans_grp  = 'X'.
    bapi_marax-matl_group = 'X'.
    bapi_marax-base_uom   = 'X'.
    bapi_marax-unit_of_wt = 'X'.
    bapi_marax-division   = 'X'.

* Plant - Purchasing
    bapi_marc1-plant      = to_plant-low. "ls_plantdata-plant.
    bapi_marc1-pur_group  = ls_plantdata-pur_group. "Purch Group
    bapi_marc1-availcheck = ls_plantdata-availcheck.
    bapi_marc1-loadinggrp = ls_plantdata-loadinggrp.
    bapi_marc1-base_qty_plan = ls_plantdata-base_qty_plan. "Base Qty
    bapi_marc1-gr_pr_time = ls_plantdata-gr_pr_time. "Purchasing time for GR
    bapi_marc1-quotausage = ls_plantdata-quotausage. "Quota Arrangement usage
    bapi_marc1-auto_p_ord = ls_plantdata-auto_p_ord. "Auto purch allow
    bapi_marc1-mrp_group  = ls_plantdata-mrp_group.
    bapi_marc1-mrp_type   = ls_plantdata-mrp_type.
    bapi_marc1-pl_ti_fnce = ls_plantdata-pl_ti_fnce.
    bapi_marc1-mrp_ctrler = ls_plantdata-mrp_ctrler.
    bapi_marc1-lotsizekey = ls_plantdata-lotsizekey.
    bapi_marc1-round_val  = ls_plantdata-round_val.
    bapi_marc1-proc_type  = ls_plantdata-proc_type.
    bapi_marc1-spproctype = ls_plantdata-spproctype.
    bapi_marc1-batchentry = ls_plantdata-batchentry.
    bapi_marc1-iss_st_loc = ls_plantdata-iss_st_loc.
    bapi_marc1-backflush  = ls_plantdata-backflush.
    bapi_marc1-plnd_delry   = ls_plantdata-plnd_delry.
    bapi_marc1-sm_key     = ls_plantdata-sm_key.
    bapi_marc1-plan_strgp  = ls_plantdata-plan_strgp.
    bapi_marc1-prodprof   = ls_plantdata-prodprof.
    bapi_marc1-consummode  = ls_plantdata-consummode.
    bapi_marc1-fwd_cons      = ls_plantdata-fwd_cons.
    bapi_marc1-bwd_cons     = ls_plantdata-bwd_cons.
    bapi_marc1-variance_key    = ls_plantdata-variance_key.
    bapi_marc1-profit_ctr  = ls_plantdata-profit_ctr.
    bapi_marc1-determ_grp = ls_plantdata-determ_grp.
    bapi_marc1-ctrl_key     = ls_plantdata-ctrl_key.
    bapi_marc1-ctrl_code = ls_plantdata-ctrl_code.

        input  = to_plant-low
        output = ls_plantdata-profit_ctr.

    bapi_marc1-profit_ctr  = ls_plantdata-profit_ctr. "ls_plantdata-plant.  "PROFIT_CTR
    bapi_marc1-determ_grp = ls_plantdata-determ_grp.

*    bapi_marcx-DEL_FLAG   = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-plant      = to_plant-low. "ls_plantdata-plant.
    bapi_marcx-pur_group  = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-availcheck = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-loadinggrp = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-base_qty_plan = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-gr_pr_time = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-quotausage = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-auto_p_ord = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-mrp_group  = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-mrp_type   = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-pl_ti_fnce = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-mrp_ctrler = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-lotsizekey = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-round_val  = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-proc_type  = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-spproctype = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-batchentry = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-iss_st_loc = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-backflush  = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-plnd_delry   = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-sm_key     = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-plan_strgp  = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-prodprof   = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-consummode  = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-fwd_cons      = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-bwd_cons     = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-variance_key    = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-profit_ctr  = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-determ_grp = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-ctrl_key = 'X'.
    bapi_marcx-ctrl_code = 'X'.

* Storage Location Data
    IF ls_storagelocationdata-stge_loc IS INITIAL.
      ls_storagelocationdata-stge_loc = 'FG01'.
    ENDIF. "ls_storagelocationdata-stge_loc IS INITIAL.

    bapi_mard-plant    = to_plant-low.
    bapi_mard-stge_loc = ls_storagelocationdata-stge_loc.

    bapi_mardx-plant    = to_plant-low.
    bapi_mardx-stge_loc = ls_storagelocationdata-stge_loc.

* Accounting - VALUATIONDATA
    bapi_mbew1-val_area   = to_plant-low.
    bapi_mbew1-val_type   = ls_valuationdata-val_type.
    bapi_mbew1-val_class  = ls_valuationdata-val_class.
    bapi_mbew1-price_ctrl = ls_valuationdata-price_ctrl.
    bapi_mbew1-std_price  = ls_valuationdata-std_price.
    bapi_mbew1-price_unit = ls_valuationdata-price_unit.
    bapi_mbew1-qty_struct      = ls_valuationdata-qty_struct.
    bapi_mbew1-orig_mat = ls_valuationdata-orig_mat.

    bapi_mbewx-val_area   = to_plant-low. "ls_valuationdata-val_area.
    bapi_mbewx-val_type   = ls_valuationdata-val_type.
    bapi_mbewx-val_class   = 'X'.
    bapi_mbewx-price_ctrl = 'X'.
    bapi_mbewx-std_price  = 'X'.
    bapi_mbewx-price_unit = 'X'.
    bapi_mbewx-qty_struct      = 'X'.
    bapi_mbewx-orig_mat = 'X'.

* Tax Classification
    LOOP AT lt_bapi_mlan_ga INTO ls_bapi_mlan_ga.
      ls_bapi_mlan-depcountry = ls_bapi_mlan_ga-depcountry.
      ls_bapi_mlan-depcountry_iso = ls_bapi_mlan_ga-depcountry_iso.
      CASE sy-tabix.
        WHEN 1.
          ls_bapi_mlan-tax_type_1      = ls_bapi_mlan_ga-tax_type_1.
          ls_bapi_mlan-taxclass_1      = ls_bapi_mlan_ga-taxclass_1.
        WHEN 2.
          ls_bapi_mlan-tax_type_2      = ls_bapi_mlan_ga-tax_type_1.
          ls_bapi_mlan-taxclass_2      = ls_bapi_mlan_ga-taxclass_1.
        WHEN 3.
          ls_bapi_mlan-tax_type_3      = ls_bapi_mlan_ga-tax_type_1.
          ls_bapi_mlan-taxclass_3      = ls_bapi_mlan_ga-taxclass_1.
        WHEN 4.
          ls_bapi_mlan-tax_type_4      = ls_bapi_mlan_ga-tax_type_1.
          ls_bapi_mlan-taxclass_4      = ls_bapi_mlan_ga-taxclass_1.
      ENDCASE. "sy-tabix.
    ENDLOOP. "AT lt_bapi_mlan_ga INTO ls_bapi_mlan_ga.

    CLEAR bapi_mlan.
    IF ls_bapi_mlan IS NOT INITIAL.
      APPEND ls_bapi_mlan TO bapi_mlan.
    ENDIF. "ls_bapi_mlan is not INITIAL.

    IF     int_mat-mvke = 'X'.
      bapi_mvke1-sales_org = to_sorg-low. "ls_salesdata-sales_org.
      bapi_mvke1-matl_stats = ls_salesdata-matl_stats.
      bapi_mvke1-mat_pr_grp = ls_salesdata-mat_pr_grp.
      bapi_mvke1-acct_assgt = ls_salesdata-acct_assgt.
      bapi_mvke1-distr_chan = to_dchnl-low. "ls_salesdata-distr_chan.
      bapi_mvke1-item_cat = ls_salesdata-item_cat.
      bapi_mvke1-matl_grp_1 = ls_salesdata-matl_grp_1.
      bapi_mvke1-matl_grp_2 = ls_salesdata-matl_grp_2.
      bapi_mvke1-matl_grp_3 = ls_salesdata-matl_grp_3.
      bapi_mvke1-matl_grp_4 = ls_salesdata-matl_grp_4.
      bapi_mvke1-matl_grp_5 = ls_salesdata-matl_grp_5.
      bapi_mvke1-sales_unit = ls_salesdata-sales_unit.
      bapi_mvke1-acct_assgt = ls_salesdata-acct_assgt.

      bapi_mvkex-sales_org = to_sorg-low.
      bapi_mvkex-matl_stats = 'X'.
      bapi_mvkex-mat_pr_grp = 'X'.
      bapi_mvkex-acct_assgt = 'X'.
      bapi_mvkex-distr_chan = to_dchnl-low.
      bapi_mvkex-item_cat = 'X'.
      bapi_mvkex-matl_grp_1 = 'X'.
      bapi_mvkex-matl_grp_2 = 'X'.
      bapi_mvkex-matl_grp_3 = 'X'.
      bapi_mvkex-matl_grp_4 = 'X'.
      bapi_mvkex-matl_grp_5 = 'X'.
      bapi_mvkex-sales_unit = 'X'.
      bapi_mvkex-acct_assgt = 'X'.
    ENDIF. "  IF     int_mat-mvke = 'X'.

*    WRITE:/ bapi_head, bapi_marc1-plant, to_plant-low.

        headdata                   = bapi_head
        clientdata                 = bapi_mara1
        clientdatax                = bapi_marax
        plantdata                  = bapi_marc1
        plantdatax                 = bapi_marcx
*       FORECASTPARAMETERS         =
*       PLANNINGDATA               =
*       PLANNINGDATAX              =
       storagelocationdata        = bapi_mard
       storagelocationdatax       = bapi_mardx
        valuationdata              = bapi_mbew1
        valuationdatax             = bapi_mbewx
       salesdata                  = bapi_mvke1
       salesdatax                 = bapi_mvkex
*       STORAGETYPEDATA            =
*       STORAGETYPEDATAX           =
        return                     = bapi_return
        materialdescription        = int_makt
       taxclassifications         = bapi_mlan
    WRITE:/ 'BAPI Message ', ls_clientdata-material, bapi_return-message.
    APPEND bapi_return TO lt_job_log.

    IF bapi_return-type = 'S'. "Material SAve/Extend Success
         wait          = 'X'
*         IMPORTING
*           RETURN        =
      IF bapi_head-quality_view    = 'X'.
        LOOP AT lt_qmat INTO ls_qmat.
          CLEAR : ls_bapi_qmat.
              qmat             = ls_qmat
              bapi1001004_qmat = ls_bapi_qmat.

          ls_bapi_qmat-plant    = to_plant-low.
          APPEND ls_bapi_qmat TO bapi_qmat.
        ENDLOOP. "AT lt_qmat INTO ls_qmat.

            return         = lt_bapi_return
            inspectionctrl = bapi_qmat.

            wait = 'X'.

      ENDIF. "bapi_head-QUALITY_VIEW    = 'X'.

    ENDIF. "bapi_return-type = 'S'. "Material SAve/Extend Success


ENDFORM.                    "UPDATE_MM


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